Word Of Truth Live 

"Holding forth the word of life; that I may rejoice in the day of Christ, that I have not run in vain, neither laboured in vain."  (Philippians 2:16)

Why Do We Meet?

We meet often and for long periods of time, we are not in
a hurry when we are sitting at the feet of Jesus, we are edified by productive sermons, insightful comments, and faithful ministry of the word.  It is our desire to first please the Lord as we meet, and secondly, to edify and build up one another in the faith. We have had enough of shallow religion and we are seeking be a blessing to the Lord and the people of God.

To Worship The Lord!

God has given us to be born again in His Son, Christ Jesus It is imperative therefore that we seek after Him with our whole hearts. We have been put in a “body” and that body has been given gifts. We desire to assist one another in this grand trek to glory. We welcome feedback from those
who are laboring for the Lord!

Get In Touch With Us


General Inquiries

Word Of Truth
+1 417 592 2688


Word Of Truth Fellowship

1306 S. Monroe Ave.
Joplin, MO

May the Lord Bless and Keep you Strong in the Faith